

Website optimisation can refer to two things: search engine optimisation and performance optimisation.

Search engine optimisation increases your website’s ranking on search engines like Google. It involves taking advantage of commonly searched key words and carefully adjusting your website’s “meta tags” to increase the chances of an early place in the search results; (think Google’s first link).

Performance optimisation is all about ensuring your website is as fast to load as possible. Everyone understands the frustration felt when waiting for a website to load, and so certain tricks and tweaks can be used to make yours load as quickly as it possibly can. These can be as simple as making any images have a smaller file size, to more complex adjustments such as careful rewriting of HTML code to make it more efficient.

Image types and optimisation

Saving images for the web can be a tricky process. Web designers should strive for the smallest possible file size they can, but ultimately do not wish to sacrifice too much quality for the sake of it. This process is known as optimisation. Below are some examples of common image file types for web use.

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